Our Blog

Letting Go of the Old MVC Pattern

The world is a constantly evolving place with new trends, new waves and new contexts emerging routinely; staying at the top of it all is what businesses try to do. It is with this sad note, we must look back at our MVC model of developing web apps and say “Good bye, old friend.” MVC […]

Good UI Matters: Why You Should Adopt SPA

Stepping away from server side computing for a moment, let’s talk frontend. Please see this post for further insight on what a SPA (Single Page Application) is. A Good User Interface matters When you visit a website or some web app and find the controls intuitive, fast and easy to predict, you feel comfortable with […]

Beautiful Abstraction vs Pragmatic and Efficient Software Architecture

Working as a contractor and consultant for the past 6 years, I’ve given my fair share of interviews for software developer roles. One type of white-board assessment you may find yourself in with an interviewer is to draw out in pseudo code the classes you would compose for an Animals software program that allows us […]

WordPress: Friend or Foe to Web Applications Development?

If one name has risen to the top and needs little introduction in the web development field it is WordPress. What started out as an easy to use blogging platform, slowly grew into a popular open source CMS, and today runs all sorts of enterprise and non-enterprise projects all over the world. It seems today, […]

What NodeJS did right

NodeJS, the MEAN stack and Javascript in general are the new hot kids on the block. Everyone’s raving and companies are developing strategies. What NodeJS did right is use Non-Blocking IO. What is Non-Blocking IO? When I go to www.wikipedia.org the following happens: My computer connects with the kind servers at WikiPedia’s impressive offices and […]

Everything Counts In Web Software

Software architecture was never simple. Masters in the field of Desktop Software development would tell you the art of making a robust desktop application had many more moving parts than simply writing good Object Oriented code. There is memory management, CPU and processes/threads management that all have to be kept under close watch if you […]

Making Single Page Applications Work Efficiently

As we briefly mention in our previous post, modern web apps are being developed with a heavier focus on the frontend layer. A trend founded on Single Page Applications (SPA). SPAs are built using modern Javascript frameworks like Vue, ReactJS and AngularJS that have developed a browser-level data layer to temporarily hold data for a user […]

Understanding Your Web Application’s Layers

When we speak of web apps like FaceBook or WikiPedia there are several critical layers of code involved in the running of the app. Each layer gives something to delivering the final product we all love and use every day. In this post I will attempt to explain the important layers involved with running a […]