Why your Enterprise WordPress Software needs WP AutoLoader

You already have all the recommended WordPress optimization plugins installed; you’re using AWS beanstalk and have plenty of load distribution services setup; and your website seems to be running at near-optimal levels. So why do you need another optimization thing-a-majig? Because AutoLoader cuts the fat from one important place that no one bothered to look […]

What NodeJS did right

NodeJS, the MEAN stack and Javascript in general are the new hot kids on the block. Everyone’s raving and companies are developing strategies. What NodeJS did right is use Non-Blocking IO. What is Non-Blocking IO? When I go to www.wikipedia.org the following happens: My computer connects with the kind servers at WikiPedia’s impressive offices and […]

Everything Counts In Web Software

Software architecture was never simple. Masters in the field of Desktop Software development would tell you the art of making a robust desktop application had many more moving parts than simply writing good Object Oriented code. There is memory management, CPU and processes/threads management that all have to be kept under close watch if you […]

Making Single Page Applications Work Efficiently

As we briefly mention in our previous post, modern web apps are being developed with a heavier focus on the frontend layer. A trend founded on Single Page Applications (SPA). SPAs are built using modern Javascript frameworks like Vue, ReactJS and AngularJS that have developed a browser-level data layer to temporarily hold data for a user […]

Understanding Your Web Application’s Layers

When we speak of web apps like FaceBook or WikiPedia there are several critical layers of code involved in the running of the app. Each layer gives something to delivering the final product we all love and use every day. In this post I will attempt to explain the important layers involved with running a […]