Support for WordPress 5.9 added

WP AutoLoader now is officially compatible with WordPress 5.9. Please remember, an exact version match is not critical. We have tested WordPress 6.0 and it works just fine as well! What is WP AutoLoader? WordPress is largely built upon procedural functions. PHP natively supports autoloading for classes but not procedural functions. This means that WordPress […]

Reducing WordPress’ Big-O Complexity

WordPress’ core loads and compiles ~2000 PHP functions and 90 classes on each page request. So the next time you load your WordPress powered homepage that’s how many PHP functions and classes are being compiled and executed (appropriately) to show you the contents you see. Now keep in mind, all this is only the server […]

Why your Enterprise WordPress Software needs WP AutoLoader

You already have all the recommended WordPress optimization plugins installed; you’re using AWS beanstalk and have plenty of load distribution services setup; and your website seems to be running at near-optimal levels. So why do you need another optimization thing-a-majig? Because AutoLoader cuts the fat from one important place that no one bothered to look […]